The process
What to expect
The first stage is a thorough discussion with the client on site: we want to learn more about you, a sense of how the garden will be used, and other wishes and considerations. This will be used to form the sketch proposals alongside the site survey and analysis.
Site survey and analysis
Then the site is either surveyed by us, or for larger or more complex sites a landscape surveyor is brought in. We also spend time on site analysing its particular qualities and features.
Sketch proposals
A plan and perspective sketches are worked up to form the proposed design. At this stage, alterations are made and a final proposal is agreed, on which the remaining work is based.
Construction detailing
A set of detailed construction drawings are developed to instruct contractors in the hard built elements of the design. This, together with the plant detailing, forms the basis of setting a fixed budget for the design.
Plant detailing
A planting palette is developed with detailed planting plans to instruct contractors in the soft planted elements of the design. The planting may be carried out by us, or in larger or more complex sites, by contractors.
We provide a set of detailed drawings to several contractors to tender to carry out the work. We also advise on the selection of contractors and work alongside them on site.
Construction and aftercare
We inspect the progress of construction at key stages of its development to ensure that detailed drawings are followed, and liaise between the client and contractors until completion. We can continue overseeing the development of the garden in the following years with an advisory service.