
Welcome Eva!

Posted: 28th Sep 2023

Nature Studio welcomes Eva Spencer to our team this Autumn. She is a visiting Public Health student at University College Cork, from West Virginia University. Eva is tasked to develop our evaluation programme for the new corporate service, and is working closely with Rebecca so that both delivery and evaluation work like clockwork. Eva is Read more…

Innovating the studio in a sustainability framework

Posted: 1st Mar 2023

Our work always aims to be at the vanguard of original thinking and practice, and an emerging strand of working to sustainable development goals has become more pressing than ever before. To update our creative approaches and set our work in a broader sustainability field, Rebecca is currently reading for a postgraduate diploma in Innovations Read more…

Nature Studio has transplanted

Posted: 27th Jul 2021

Nature Studio has been quietly brewing a plan to relocate. For the last eleven years, the studio has facilitated over twelve thousand sessional places in horticultual therapy and supported landscape designs for scores of projects. However, although there is much sadness at lifting out our London roots, it is with excitement and anticipation we have Read more…

A thoroughly modern Land Girl

Posted: 2nd Apr 2019

Nature Studio is recruiting Land Girls.  Digging not for war, but for good health.  Land Girls are welcome to the practice in Finsbury Park/Crouch End in a pioneering one-to-one horticultural therapy course running up to 25 weeks, for a weekly 60 or 75 minute session, on Wednesday afternoons from April to November.  Rebecca will walk Read more…

Chelsea Flower Show collaboration 2017

Posted: 18th May 2017

I am collaborating for the first time with a team showing a garden at the Chelsea Flower Show. Come to your Senses Eco-Therapy Garden combats the detrimental technical overload children often experience today and reconnects them in a garden that plays on the five senses, to restore good mental health. The garden is sponsored by Read more…

Beyond Bedlam, rethinking care for the mad

Posted: 5th Oct 2016

James Tilly Matthews, architectural plans and explanatory notes for Bethlem Royal Hospital, 1810-11   In a radical exhibition, an arching history of the treatment of the mad at Bethlem Royal Hospital, also known as Bedlam, forces us to review how future treatment should be.  Within this the Madlove project, led by people with mental illness, Read more…

Gardening with holocaust survivors

Posted: 3rd Jul 2014

The survivors of the holocaust are getting on. Many have been in the UK for most of their life now. Traumas are old and familiar, sorrow runs deep and is still so close to the surface. Gardening creates a space that jogs the memories of childhood, of gardens and parks in other cities, of parents Read more…